Mental Capacity Act 2005 & DOLS
Course Options:
3 hour Awareness course
Aim of the course:
To understand the principles of the Mental Capacity Act.
To have knowledge of the changes brought about by the act.
To have an understanding of how to implement the requirements
Of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 into practice within the workplace
To have an understanding of the deprivation of liberty and safeguards used
To be aware of safeguards and consider the meaning of deprovision of liberty in relation to client care.
Course overview:
To explain the principles of the MCA 2005 and how we apply those principles into a daily practice within the workplace.
To explain how the mental capacity of our clients is assessed with respect to the Mental Capacity Act 2005
To explain how to ascertain the best interest of our residents with respect to the Mental Capacity Act 2005
Explain safeguards and DOLS
Explain how practices safeguard vulnerable people and prevent DOLS
Who can take this course?
Any member of staff can benefit from taking this course but it is aimed at Home and Day Centre Managers
How many can attend?
A minimum of 3 participants
A maximum of 10 participants
Do I need prior knowledge?
You don't need any prior knowledge as it will all be covered in the course
Information for the Instructor
Please inform the instructor if you have an injury or are pregnant, this is for your own safety
What should I wear on the course and should I bring anything?
Dress Code: Smart Casual or Uniform
Items to bring: Pen & Paper