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Mental Capacity Act 2005 & DOLS

Course Options:

3 hour Awareness course

Aim of the course:

  • To understand the principles of the Mental Capacity Act.

  • To have knowledge of the changes brought about by the act.

  • To have an understanding of how to implement the requirements

  • Of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 into practice within the workplace

  • To have an understanding of the deprivation of liberty and safeguards used

  • To be aware of safeguards and consider the meaning of deprovision of liberty in relation to client care.

Course overview:

  • To explain the principles of the MCA 2005 and how we apply those principles into a daily practice within the workplace.

  • To explain how the mental capacity of our clients is assessed with respect to the Mental Capacity Act 2005

  • To explain how to ascertain the best interest of our residents with respect to the Mental Capacity Act 2005

  • Explain safeguards and DOLS

  • Explain how practices safeguard vulnerable people and prevent DOLS

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Who can take this course?

Any member of staff can benefit from taking this course but it is aimed at Home and Day Centre Managers

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How many can attend?

A minimum of 3 participants
A maximum of 10 participants

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Do I need prior knowledge?

You don't need any prior knowledge as it will all be covered in the course

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Information for the Instructor

Please inform the instructor if you have an injury or are pregnant, this is for your own safety

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What should I wear on the course and should I bring anything?

Dress Code: Smart Casual or Uniform

Items to bring: Pen & Paper

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